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7 HR Skills to Master in 2023

7 HR Skills to Master in 2023

5 minutes

Oct 2, 2023

Written by Bora Fisekci

In a world plagued by social and technological changes, the skills of a human resources manager are increasingly in demand. The fields of work and recruitment are in full transformation, and certain professional skills have become essential to ensure the good management of a company. But then, what are these skills that have become essential in 2023?


In this article, we will discuss 7 key skills that make the HR manager a decisive and strategic player in a company.


What are the duties of an HRD?


First of all, let's do a little reminder: what are the usual missions of a human resources manager?


  • Recruitment and selection: First, a human resources manager is responsible for identifying the company's staffing needs. He writes and publishes job offers, selects promising candidates, conducts job interviews and participates in the final decision for recruitment.
  • Integration of new employees: The human resources manager also participates in the integration (or onboarding) of new employees. He is responsible for presenting the company, its methods, its culture, but also for ensuring that the new heads take charge of their position correctly. He can then temporarily assume the role of manager, which contributes to the life of the company.
  • Training and development: An HR manager identifies training or development needs among employees, implements training programs, and then tracks and evaluates employee progress following those programs.
  • Administrative management: This job requires administrative management of staff, keeping their files up to date, managing their employment contracts but also managing their holidays, absences and working hours.
  • Legal monitoring: Finally, the HR manager must keep abreast of legislative and regulatory developments in terms of work and employment. He must also ensure the company's compliance with the laws in place.

There are of course many other missions, but they often differ from one company to another. We have listed here those found in the majority of structures.


The 7 HR skills to master


In order to carry out his tasks, the HR manager must have a certain number of technical skills (hard skills), but also soft skills. It is by combining these two spectrums of skills that the sustainability of a company can be guaranteed. Here are the 7 fundamental skills we have selected for you:



1 - Organization and adaptation


Organization is the key to any effective management of human resources. An HR manager must deal with many tasks, from interview schedules to recruitment processes, while adapting quickly to changing priorities.

To do this, he can use theoretical tools such as the Eisenhower matrix, which makes it possible to classify tasks according to their urgency and importance, or more concrete tools, such as assistance services. organization (HRIS, etc.).



2 - Mastery of IT tools


A good manager should also, in addition to his HR tools, develop his knowledge of computer tools and software. He must know how to recruit from a distance via sourcing, being present on social networks like LinkedIn, or even carrying out accounting actions such as payroll management on Excel tables.

All these software are intended to automate or facilitate time-consuming actions, which is why mastering them is important for a modern HR manager. Moreover, if you are having difficulty choosing your recruitment software, we have written an article on HRD methods on this subject.



3 - Teamwork


Work and team spirit are at the heart of the job of any HR manager. Working in collaboration with all sectors of the company makes it possible to better identify the needs of each of them, to coordinate initiatives, and to align the company's objectives with the human resources management strategy.


This collaboration enables better decisions to be made, while contributing to the creation of a healthy work environment for employees.



4 - Communication and social relations


Another required quality is to have a sense of relationship : indeed, it is important for a good HR manager to have effective and transparent communication with his employees. He must remain attentive to his collaborators, regularly take their remarks into account, and solve problems accordingly.

This communication must allow employees to feel listened to and useful; this will not only boost their motivation, but also your company's reputation. A structure that treats its employees well will be more likely to find new talent.



5 - Conflict resolution


In the opposite case, when communication fails and conflicts arise between employees and management, a good HR manager must adopt a role of mediator : manage disagreements, ease tensions, find compromises... so many things a good leader must apply to maintain harmony within the company.

The objective is not to defend one party or another, but to allow the exchange of information between the persons concerned while remaining as neutral as possible. Defusing the situation must be the priority when such a crisis surfaces.



6 - Legal knowledge


An HR manager must also have a strong knowledge of labor and social law, as a thorough knowledge of these laws is essential to ensure compliance and security of the company from a legal point of view.

This knowledge is an essential factor in the management of employment contracts, disciplinary procedures, payment of payroll, etc.



7 - Monitoring and innovation


Finally, a good human resources manager must remain attentive to social advances and technological innovations in the sector. He can use monitoring tools to monitor trends and unearth, before anyone else, software that could revolutionize human resources management. This is precisely the case with our assessment tool, Yuzu.

After several years of R&D with researchers in psychology and neuroscience, we imagined a digital assessment center, specializing in the assessment of interpersonal skills (the famous soft skills).


With Yuzu, the talents are immersed in situations developed with the latest video game technologies, each adventure evaluating a soft skills in 10 to 20 minutes.

As for the assessments, they are accessible to all profiles thanks to simplified controls and cloud technologies (all you need is a computer and an internet connection to be assessed).



Make your recruitment innovative with Yuzu!


The advantages of our solution:


  • An exceptional candidate experience to boost your employer brand;
  • A solution accessible to all to ensure equal opportunities;
  • A decision support tool for detecting and enhancing soft skills.


Whether for your recruitment or internal mobility processes, we transform the assessment of soft skills into a strong and fun moment.




Today, the role of the human resources manager is constantly shaped by technological advances, societal changes and increasingly complex personnel management. But thanks to the 7 skills that we have given you earlier, you will be able to overcome any challenge that comes your way.


However, be careful not to favor certain skills over others; the skills presented here are all complementary and we suggest that you balance them as best as possible. If you manage to master them, you can positively influence your corporate culture, create a healthy workspace for your employees and ensure the legal compliance of your structure.