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Sourcing Tools : Optimize your Recruitment

Sourcing Tools : Optimize your Recruitment

5 minutes

Sep 15, 2023

Written by Océane Prunier

The recruitment process is an essential step for any company seeking to attract the best talent. However, finding new ideal candidates can prove to be a daunting challenge. This is why sourcing exists.

Sourcing is defined as the process of finding, identifying and engaging potential candidates for open positions. It goes beyond simply posting job advertisements and involves the proactive search for qualified talent. The importance of sourcing lies in its ability to expand the talent pool and identify the most qualified candidates.

A sourcing tool is a software, platform or method used to facilitate the process of finding potential candidates. Thanks to it, you will be able to search for candidate profiles on various sources: professional social networks, job sites, CV databases and company websites.

The goals of an effective sourcing strategy include identifying relevant sourcing channels, developing an engaging online presence, and putting measures in place to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy and make continuous improvements.

Let's see now through this article the sourcing and the tools that accompany it.


1 - The benefits of sourcing

In the context of recruitment, sourcing offers a large number of advantages:

  • Access to a pool of qualified talent : By nurturing relationships with long-term potential candidates, it will be easier to identify and engage talent when an opportunity arises.
  • Reduced recruitment times : By having a pool of qualified candidates, it will be faster to identify matching profiles and invite them to apply. This saves valuable time, since the process does not start from scratch.
  • Better company candidate match : You can target candidates who match not only the required technical skills, but also the culture and values of your company or other specific criteria.
  • Gain in efficiency and profitability : By avoiding irrelevant applications, the costs associated with the diffusion of job offers and other traditional methods of recruitment are reduced. In addition, the proactive approach to sourcing helps build a talent pool for future needs, reducing costs associated with urgent or unexpected hires.


2 - How to do sourcing?


Upstream, you can assess the effectiveness of your company's current sourcing with different methods:

  • Conversion Rate : Percentage of shortlisted candidates who move on to the next stage. The more he East higher, the more the sourcing is effective.
  • Recruitment time : average time required to fill a position.
  • Quality of candidates : performance of candidates once they have joined your company.
  • Recruitment cost 

Once you have assessed the effectiveness of current sourcing, you can identify potential areas for improvement. This can include optimizing recruiting channels, improving screening criteria, strengthening employer branding, implementing new and more advanced recruiting technology, or training recruiters.

Remember that sourcing is an ongoing process and can always be improved. Be ready to adjust your methods based on results and feedback to get the best possible results!


Sourcing is an essential process for finding and recruiting the best candidates to meet your business needs. Here is an overview of the key steps in the sourcing process:

  • First of all, starting directly by identifying the needs, understanding the requirements and the skills necessary for a given position will allow you to fully know what your target is. Work with relevant managers to clearly define selection criteria, required skills and objectives to be achieved.
  • Use different methods to find potential candidates. This may include the publication of job offers on the Internet and more specifically specialized sites such as job boards (indeed, monster), or professional social networks (Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter). To attract the most candidates, consider reading our article on catchphrases.
  • Other approaches exist: for example, it is possible to call on recruitment firms, if your budget allows it, or to explore your professional network.
  • Carefully analyze the applications received in order to make a pre-selection based on pre-established criteria. You can use applicant tracking software (ATS) to manage this process more efficiently.
  • Contact the references provided (email, telephone) by the candidates to obtain additional information on their experience, skills and past performance.

After which, you can make your final decision on the successful candidate. Make a job offer and start salary negotiations if necessary.


3 - Sourcing methods


Sourcing uses various methods to find potential candidates. Here are some commonly used methods.

Sites such as Indeed, Pôle Emploi, APEC, RégionsJob, Cadremploi, MétéoJob and Monster offer platforms where employers can post job offers and search for candidates who match their criteria. Some of these sites also allow access to their CV library, which facilitates the search for profiles.

LinkedIn is the most used professional social network for sourcing. It allows you to search for profiles, connect with professionals, join relevant groups and post job offers. Other professional social networks such as Viadeo and Xing may also be used depending on geographic location.

Co -opting involves asking your current employees to recommend candidates for open positions. Employees can share job opportunities with their network and recommend people they believe are qualified. Co-option is often a source of quality candidates and can also strengthen the commitment of your employees.


Higher education institutions are an excellent source of candidates for internships and entry-level positions. Campus management involves building relationships with schools, attending campus recruiting events, and promoting your business to students. Business games are competitions between students where you can assess their skills and potential.

Candidate pools are internal or external databases where companies keep previously assessed candidate profiles. These pools can come from previous applications, CVs received spontaneously, candidates who have participated in previous recruitment processes, etc. Using these pools can be a quick and efficient way to find qualified candidates.


4 - The best sourcing tools


The best sourcing tools vary based on each company's specific needs and individual preferences. Here is a list of sourcing tools, including both free and paid options, along with an in-depth analysis of their features, pros, and cons.


Free sourcing tools

LinkedIn is the example of the most popular social network and offers advanced search features to find qualified candidates. It also allows you to post job offers, join relevant groups and interact with professionals.

  • Pros: Extensive database of professional profiles, advanced search, ability to target specific candidates.
  • Cons: Some advanced features require a premium subscription, organic post reach is limited.


Indeed is a job aggregator that also offers candidate search functionality. Employers can post jobs for free and access a CV database.

  • Advantages : Large audience, distribution of free job offers, access to candidates' CVs.
  • Cons : Some candidates may not update their resumes on Indeed regularly, quality of applications may vary.


GitHub is a software development and source code hosting platform. It is particularly useful for sourcing technical profiles and engineers.

  • Benefits : Access to a community of talented developers, ability to view previous projects and contributions.
  • Disadvantages : Limited to technical profiles, not suitable for all types of recruitment.


Meetup is an online platform for finding and joining local groups focused on common interests. It is a good tool to meet professionals in specific fields.

  • Pros : Ability to meet candidates in person, targeting specific groups.
  • Cons : Limited to professionals interested in specific topics, requires active participation in events.


Paid sourcing tools

Bullhorn is a customer relationship management (CRM) system for recruiters. It offers advanced sourcing, applicant tracking, and collaboration features.

  • Advantages : Integration with other tools, advanced search functionalities, centralized application management.
  • Cons : High cost, learning curve for novice users.


talentsoft is a talent management system that includes sourcing, recruiting, and personnel management features.

  • Benefits : Complete talent management platform, integrations with other HR systems, applicant tracking, candidate assessments.
  • Cons : High cost, can be complex for small businesses with simpler needs.


Greenhouse is a comprehensive recruiting platform that offers sourcing, applicant tracking, interview management, and reporting features.

  • Pros: Intuitive user interface, automation of recruitment processes, integrations with other HR tools.
  • Cons: High cost, some advanced features may require add-ons.


Please note : Pricing, user interfaces and integrations may vary depending on the providers and plans chosen. We recommend checking out the sourcing tools websites for more detailed information on their specific features, pricing, and possible integrations.


5 - How to choose your sourcing tool?


To effectively choose a sourcing tool adapted to the specific needs of your company, it is essential to follow certain recommendations. First, clearly define your objectives and priority selection criteria.

This can include things like the size of your business, recruitment volume, skills in demand, and budget constraints.

Next, do a thorough research on the various tools available in the market, considering their reputation, ease of use, reliability, and specific features. Do not hesitate to consult the opinions and feedback of other users.


Assess the tool's compatibility with your existing systems, including your applicant tracking system or recruiting platform. It is also important to check if the tool offers sourcing features tailored to your industry and specific needs, such as advanced candidate search, data aggregation, talent management or filtering features.

Finally, do not forget to consider aspects related to data security and confidentiality. It is recommended to choose a sourcing tool that offers robust security measures to protect sensitive candidate information.

By following these recommendations, you will be able to select a sourcing tool that will effectively meet the specific needs of your business and facilitate the recruitment process ( consisting of 7 steps in our opinion ).


6 - After sourcing with Yuzu


Once your candidates have been selected, it is imperative to determine which one will be the best fit for the position in the future.

To help you, we imagined Yuzu : a new generation and gamified Assessment Center. A solution created after several years of R&D with researchers in Work Psychology and Neuroscience to assess soft skills.

Reading several pages of an online questionnaire is out of fashion. With us, talents are immersed in scenarios developed with the latest Video Game technologies. Each adventure evaluating a know-how in 10 to 20 minutes.



Candidates are then assessed on their behavior and their choices within the modules.

The advantages of the solution:

  • An exceptional candidate experience to strengthen your employer brand.
  • A solution accessible to everyone and from any computer (Cloud).
  • An ideal decision support tool to reduce cognitive biases.


Discover the future of assessment with Yuzu


We transform the assessment of soft skills into a strong and fun moment in your recruitment and internal mobility processes.


To remember


Sourcing tools play an essential role in optimizing the recruitment process. They make it easier and faster for companies to find the best talent on the labor market. With these tools, recruiters can expand their search beyond traditional channels and access a pool of qualified and diverse candidates.

Using sourcing tools offers many benefits. They save time by automating certain tasks and simplifying the sorting of applications. In addition, these tools facilitate the proactive search for profiles corresponding to the specific needs of the company, which improves the quality of recruitment.

sourcing tools are only a complement to the skills and experience of recruiters. They do not replace the importance of human interactions and thorough candidate assessment. Recruiters should always use their good judgment and judgment to make informed decisions during the selection process.

Feel free to explore the different options of sourcing tools available on the market, test them and adapt them according to the specific needs of your company. Invest the time and resources to train your recruiting teams in the effective use of these tools, to maximize their potential and achieve optimal results.

By putting these tips into practice and integrating sourcing tools into your recruiting process, you'll be able to optimize your recruiting strategy, attract top talent, and build strong, high-performing teams to support growth and the success of your business. Don't wait to take action and explore the possibilities offered by these tools to improve your recruitment sourcing.

Sourcing tools interested you then we are sure that our article on the best recruitment tools without a resume will interest you.